Today was an excellent day to return to this walk. Knee still sucks but better.
I parked at Frankies restaurant and headed east on route 1 to meet up at bridge where I stopped last year. It was a fine day, a remarkable day for mid winter with forecasts for 50 degrees. there was a light west wind today. I arrived with printed maps that I somehow cropped out part of the beginning, no problem.
We headed west and down Indian trail and Mail then Grovewayall the way to Beach Park Rd and back. This was a route I knew from bike rides and I have to say it was nice today. We even got a chance to walk along a beach where we have been forbidden to go in season, worse with dog.
Groveway is along what I would call a barrier beach, only this ridge had a salt marsh behind it and it was much higher and had normal vegetation on it, (trees)at least compared to RI shorelines beaches, the road was on the landward side, as houses occupied the top, providing few views, at least until it flattened a bit and the sound could be seen between houses,
Traffic was very light.
After riding I scouted out next walk a bit as I had some questions.
Distance 6.6 (obtained form Gmaps pedometer)
Time: 2:48
gas: $3.58 gallon