Wednesday, March 19, 2014


This is my first post in quite a spell (almost a year) and I hope that will be the last time I write those words. On the way to Yale I stopped and did this this very short section, as I had to turn back in my  last leg last year and missed the distance between where I stopped and the river to the west.

I decided to walk along the shore and for the fourth time did not cross a bridge but went to both sides on opposite sides of a  river. The alternative was to go on straight on rte 1 to 146 and while that was passable it wasn't really as nice as this route.

The place I choose to park was a parking lot a fishing area and I was going to walk back to the Madison/Guilford town line and go as far west as I could get. The dirt road top the parking lot was marked "road floods at high tide" and the puddles full of water proved the point. I parked just before the signs there, walked back to the town line and headed along a road that soon ended at the shore with a sign "PRIVATE right of way only"  Not exactly sure what that meant.

We walked along a shore that was part sandy and part salt march mud to the water. It was filled with shells- clams, scallops, oysters and those little tiny ones.  The place was thick with shells. Someone had placed conch shells on the limbs of a bare shrub, similar to  that movie "Blair Witch" but not like that.

It was only about 3/4 of a mile and we came to and unusual house-weathered and neglected as it was-and I am sure that it has a story associated with it.

Across the way was downtown Guilford,  the far shore was close enough to swim……

Distance 1.47 miles

Miles to start:  about 54

Temp 38ยบ


Paul said...

What, no pictures?

rainpoolglider said...

2Hi John,
Is there a way to get in touch with you? I have a question about your Feb 16, 2009 walk on Rt. 156.